Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1.26.9 - 1.30.9 Lope de Vega

Hi all,

Today, we went over the scheme of a position paper again and the students now need to write a rough draft of their papers by next Tuesdsay. The scheme we used for the position papers can be found here. In the afternoon sessions, we held a very successful debate about smoking. The students really responded and participated well and followed the protocol in a very organized manner. This is progress that we enjoyed seeing. Next week, we expect to begin on resolution writing and I will attempt to give them tips on how to give a speech. Until then...

Monday, January 26, 2009

1.19.09 - 1.23.09 / IES Villajunco

Hello everyone! A quick update from IES Villajunco...

We are in the midst of preparing the position papers. I prepared a worksheet (POSITION PAPERS) that broke down the idea into 5 paragraphs, each with a question or two to get the kids started.

It´s been met with mixed success. My students have never written a persuasive essay in Spanish or English nor have they seriously studied the past tense. As such, it has been difficult to explain the past actions their countries have taken. Some countries have been unsure of what to write, particularly when their countries do not have an explicit indigenous population (e.g. Azerbaijan). Articulating realistic proposals (for anything other than money, etc) has been particularly challenging. We´ve been trying hard to create education, health and development-related proposals.

Given this, I have been working country by country to make sure the students stay on track. it´s taken me about a week or so to get through all my groups. The students now have (very rough) drafts of their PPs and I think it´s going well.

The next step will probably be to refine their resolution writing and work on pronunciation in their speeches. I will also post a couple drafts of PPs once they are ready.

Although challenging at times, it´s been wonderful to help students learn so many key skills. Hope you find this info helpful!

-Kelsey from Villajunco

FMB Meeting with María - Recap

Hello all!

I just wanted to include a recap from the meeting we had with María. A few takeaway points (although there were many insights!)

Tentative conference structure (approximate)

930 - 10: Arrival and check-in
10 - 11: Introduction and posssible key speaker
11 - 2: Session I
2 - 3: Working lunch
3 - 5: Session II
5 - 6: Closing ceremony; awards

Conference Awards

Best Position Paper (1 per school)
6 Honorable Mentions for the delegates
Best School Delegation (1 per school)

Training and Staffing

Glenda may come in earlier (Feb 16/17) to assist us in conference training for the TAs and involved teachers/staff. We also discussed the idea that perhaps other TAs at our school (e.g. Ministerio de Educación auxiliares) could perhaps help as note runners on the day of the conference.

Positions at the conference

Director of Committee
Lead Assistants (the exact name escapes me)
MC (not a Fulbrighter)

Please feel free to add what I missed. Hope this is helpful to everyone! A big thanks to María for getting all the conference details sorted out!


Monday, January 19, 2009

1.19.2009 - 1.23.2009 / IES Villajunco

Observing the Indigenous Exhibit
Learning about the challenges indigenous peoples face

At the Indigenous Exhibit and Film Screening

Indigenous people lecture at the Fundación Marcelino Botín

A Global Classrooms exercise at IES Villajunco

A Global Classrooms exercise at IES Villajunco

Happy 2009 from IES Villajunco and thank you all very much for posting. I wanted to add a couple photos from our GC exercises and the oustanding tour and talk hosted by the Fundación Marcelino Botín.

1.19.2009 - 1.23.2009 / Lope de Vega

Hi all,

I hope I do this right and that you all can see my adjustments. At Lope de Vega, Luis and I have done several powerpoint presentations that might be useful to the rest of the group. The two that I think are most relevant at this point are about the Huaorani indigenous population in Ecuador and the Mapuche indigenous people in Chile. You can see these presentations here. They are titled "NZ - Ecuador Indigenous Presentation" and "NZ - Chile Indigenous Presentation," respectively.

In regard to in-class debates, we have already had one on the topic of school uniforms and are currently planning another on the topic of smoking.

This week, we plan to start on position papers and will try to develop a study guide or helpful research tool for the students. More on that next time if all goes well.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

1.11.2009 - 1.17. 2009 / Valle de Camargo

Hello Everyone!

Our school has dedicated a small amount of time to work specifically on Global Classrooms, so we have to be really creative on how to use our time. To do this, we use some of the time in English not dedicated to Global Classrooms by creating reading comprehension exercises (using key terms or subject matter they are covering that day) that have a connection to the United Nations or indigenous people. For example we have a biography of Ban Ki Moon that changes from talking in the present to the past tense. We also made indigenous reading 1 and indigenous reading 2 , which focus on verbs in their present tense. This is just one way that we are able to complete their regular english course and incorporate Global Classrooms at the same time.
