Monday, December 1, 2008

11.24.08 - 11.28.08 / IES Villajunco

IES Villajunco has decided to approach GC from the country´s perspective first. After learning a bit about the country and debate rules, we plan to move further into human/indigneous rights.

Here´s a look at what we´ve done so far. Attached are:
  1. A country worksheet (created to get the kids familiar with researching their own countries and the concept of research)
  2. A debate and expression worksheet (we are still working on implementing the impersonal/third person type of speech)
  3. A procedure worksheet (it´s long, but Villajunco students have found it a useful reference)
In order to view the worksheeets, you will need to access the following website (and provide the password). Click here

I have posted many worksheets here in order to ¨catch us up¨ to this date. Hope this is helpful!

-Kelsey from IES Villajunco

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